Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Three Christs of Ypsalinti

In the late 1950s, three men who identified as the Son of God were forced to live together in a mental hospital. What happened?
By Vaughan Bell

In the late 1950s, psychologist Milton Rokeach was gripped by an eccentric plan. He gathered three psychiatric patients, each with the delusion that they were Jesus Christ, to live together for two years in Ypsilanti State Hospital to see if their beliefs would change. The early meetings were stormy. "You oughta worship me, I'll tell you that!" one of the Christs yelled. "I will not worship you! You're a creature! You better live your own life and wake up to the facts!" another snapped back. "No two men are Jesus Christs. . . . I am the Good Lord!" the third interjected, barely concealing his anger.
Frustrated by psychology's focus on what he considered to be peripheral beliefs, like political opinions and social attitudes, Rokeach wanted to probe the limits of identity. He had been intrigued by stories of Secret Service agents who felt they had lost contact with their original identities, and wondered if a man's sense of self might be challenged in a controlled setting. Unusually for a psychologist, he found his answer in the Bible. There is only one Son of God, says the good book, so anyone who believed himself to be Jesus would suffer a psychological affront by the very existence of another like him. This was the revelation that led Rokeach to orchestrate his meeting of the Messiahs and document their encounter in the extraordinary (and out-of-print) book from 1964, The Three Christs of Ypsilanti.

Although by no means common, Christ conventions have an unexpectedly long history. In his commentary to Cesare Beccaria's essay "Crimes and Punishments," Voltaire recounted the tale of the "unfortunate madman" Simon Morin who was burnt at the stake in 1663 for claiming to be Jesus. Unfortunate it seems, because Morin was originally committed to a madhouse where he met another who claimed to be God the Father, and "was so struck with the folly of his companion that he acknowledged his own, and appeared, for a time, to have recovered his senses." The lucid period did not last, however, and it seems the authorities lost patience with his blasphemy. Another account of a meeting of the Messiahs comes from Sidney Rosen's book My Voice Will Go With You: The Teaching Tales of Milton H. Erickson. The renowned psychiatrist apparently set two delusional Christs in his ward arguing only for one to gain insight into his madness, miraculously, after seeing something of himself in his companion. ("I'm saying the same things as that crazy fool is saying," said one of the patients. "That must mean I'm crazy too.")
These tales are surprising because delusions, in the medical sense, are not simply a case of being mistaken. They are considered to be pathological beliefs, reflecting a warped or broken understanding that is not, by definition, amenable to being reshaped by reality. One of most striking examples is the Cotard delusion, under which a patient believes she is dead; surely there can be no clearer demonstration that simple and constant contradiction offers no lasting remedy. Rokeach, aware of this, did not expect a miraculous cure. Instead, he was drawing a parallel between the baseless nature of delusion and the flimsy foundations we use to construct our own identities. If tomorrow everyone treats me as if I have an electronic device in my head, there are ways and means I could use to demonstrate they are wrong and establish the facts of the matter--a visit to the hospital perhaps. But what if everyone treats me as if my core self were fundamentally different than I believed it to be? Let's say they thought I was an undercover agent--what could I show them to prove otherwise? From my perspective, the best evidence is the strength of my conviction. My belief is my identity.
Milton Rokeach's The Three Christs of Ypsilanti.
In one sense, Rokeach's book reflects a remarkably humane approach for its era. We are asked to see ourselves in the psychiatric patients, at a time when such people were regularly locked away and treated as incomprehensible objects of pity rather than individuals worthy of empathy. Rokeach's constant attempts to explain the delusions as understandable reactions to life events require us to accept that the Christs have not "lost contact" with reality, even if their interpretations are more than a little uncommon.
But the book makes for starkly uncomfortable reading as it recounts how the researchers blithely and unethically manipulated the lives of Leon, Joseph, and Clyde in the service of academic curiosity. In one of the most bizarre sections, the researchers begin colluding with the men's delusions in a deceptive attempt to change their beliefs from within their own frame of reference. The youngest patient, Leon, starts receiving letters from the character he believes to be his wife, "Madame Yeti Woman," in which she professes her love and suggests minor changes to his routine. Then Joseph, a French Canadian native, starts receiving faked letters from the hospital boss advising certain changes in routine that might benefit his recovery. Despite an initially engaging correspondence, both the delusional spouse and the illusory boss begin to challenge the Christs' beliefs more than is comfortable, and contact is quickly broken off.
In fact, very little seems to shift the identities of the self-appointed Messiahs. They debate, argue, at one point come to blows, but show few signs that their beliefs have become any less intense. Only Leon seems to waver, eventually asking to be addressed as "Dr Righteous Idealed Dung" instead of his previous moniker of "Dr Domino dominorum et Rex rexarum, Simplis Christianus Puer Mentalis Doctor, reincarnation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth." Rokeach interprets this more as an attempt to avoid conflict than a reflection of any genuine identity change. The Christs explain one another's claims to divinity in predictably idiosyncratic ways: Clyde, an elderly gentleman, declares that his companions are, in fact, dead, and that it is the "machines" inside them that produce their false claims, while the other two explain the contradiction by noting that their companions are "crazy" or "duped" or that they don't really mean what they say.
In hindsight, the Three Christs study looks less like a promising experiment than the absurd plan of a psychologist who suffered the triumph of passion over good sense. The men's delusions barely shifted over the two years, and from an academic perspective, Rokeach did not make any grand discoveries concerning the psychology of identity and belief. Instead, his conclusions revolve around the personal lives of three particular (and particularly unfortunate) men. He falls back--rather meekly, perhaps--on the Freudian suggestion that their delusions were sparked by confusion over sexual identity, and attempts to end on a flourish by noting that we all "seek ways to live with one another in peace," even in the face of the most fundamental disagreements. As for the ethics of the study, Rokeach eventually realized its manipulative nature and apologized in an afterword to the 1984 edition: "I really had no right, even in the name of science, to play God and interfere round the clock with their daily lives."
Although we take little from it scientifically, the book remains a rare and eccentric journey into the madness of not three, but four men in an asylum. It is, in that sense, an unexpected tribute to human folly, and one that works best as a meditation on our own misplaced self-confidence. Whether scientist or psychiatric patient, we assume others are more likely to be biased or misled than we are, and we take for granted that our own beliefs are based on sound reasoning and observation. This may be the nearest we can get to revelation--the understanding that our most cherished beliefs could be wrong.

    Out of the asylum, into the cell

    Poster: abandonedamerica.us Date: Jan 31, 2011 2:30pm
    Forum: texts Subject: Re: Albert Deutsch, CRAZYIER then NOT, NOW more MEANEY The Shame of the States 362.2 D48S HC
    Unfortunately the full text of the article is no longer online to the best of my knowledge, and the UN Chronicle is charging $10 a pop on Amazon for something they never paid me for and do not have rights to resell - I've contacted them several times to tell them to stop but they just ignore it. That aside, while I haven't reread the whole post the parts with the caps lock stand out -

    While now famous for the ALLEGED, MADE-UP, SELF-SERVING LIES of abuses and horrors that NEVER-EVER took place inside, most state hospitals were initially beautiful, idyllic campuses founded in the late 1800s,

    should read:

    While now famous for the abuses and horrors that took place inside, most state hospitals were initially beautiful, idyllic campuses founded in the late 1800s,

    I usually don't use all caps or words like NEVER EVER in articles I am trying to get published. There's a writing hint for you, Boxcaro, next time you want to misappropriate someone's work writing like a fourth grader tends to stand out.

    Man, I'm pissed.

    You Should Be Pissed, You Changed Your Name on your abandonedamaerica.us web page, YOUR so-called "ARTICLE" on "AMAZON" was PLAGIARISED. You cannot get it because IT WAS NEVER YOURS!

    You SHOULD BE pissed, the TRUTH is that "YOU ARE OUTED!" A Weasel Plastering, Self Serving, "PUNK".

    If YOU ACTUALLY WROTE THAT ARTICLE, that I WAS ABLE TO OBTAIN, explain, then, WHY WAS I ABLE TO OBTAIN IT? At the TIME I OUTED YOU AS A LIAR & BLASPHEMOUR, I Was HOMELESS HOBO, with a P-iii Thinkpad T21, Working from Coffee Shops & Public WiFi hookups.

    The Reason You CANNOT obtain the ARTICLE- IT WAS NOT & NEVER WAS YOUR WRITING! Go PAY $10.00, Sick Weasel, You Can SUPPORT the TRUE Authors from whom you Stole...MATTHEW CHRISTOPHER, indeed!



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    New York Times
    Out of the asylum, into the cell

    By Sally Satel

    A new report by Human Rights Watch has found that American prisons and jails contain three times more mentally ill people than do our psychiatric hospitals. The study confirmed what mental health and corrections experts have long known: incarceration has become the nation's default mental health treatment. And while the report offers good suggestions on how to help those who are incarcerated, a bigger question is what we can do to keep them from ending up behind bars at all.

    The Los Angeles County jail, with 3,400 mentally ill prisoners, functions as the largest psychiatric inpatient institution in the United States. New York's Rikers Island, with 3,000 mentally ill inmates, is second. According to the Justice Department, roughly 16 percent of American inmates have serious psychiatric illnesses like schizophrenia, manic-depressive illness and disabling depression.

    Life on the inside is a special nightmare for these inmates. They are targets of cruel manipulation and of physical and sexual abuse. Bizarre behavior, like responding to imaginary voices or self-mutilation, can get them punished -- and the usual penalty, solitary confinement, only worsens hallucinations and delusions.

    How did we get here? Actually, with the best of intentions.

    Forty years ago yesterday, President John F. Kennedy signed the Community Mental Health Centers Act, under which large state hospitals for the mentally ill would give way to small community clinics. He said of the law that the "reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolation will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability."

    Kennedy was acting in response to a genuine shift in attitudes toward the mentally ill during the postwar years. The public and lawmakers had become aware of the dreadful conditions in the state hospitals, largely though exposes like Albert Deutsch's book "The Shame of the States" and popular entertainment like the movie "The Snake Pit," both of which appeared in 1948. In addition, Thorazine, an anti-psychotic medication, became available in the mid-50's and rendered many patients calm enough for discharge.

    Between Kennedy's signing of the mental health law in 1963 and its expiration in 1980, the number of patients in state mental hospitals dropped by about 70 percent. But asylum reform had a series of unintended consequences. The nation's 700 or so community mental health centers could not handle the huge numbers of fragile patients who had been released after spending months or years in the large institutions.

    There were not enough psychiatrists and health workers willing to roll up their sleeves and take on these tough cases. Closely supervised treatment, community-supported housing and rehabilitation were given short shrift. In addition, civil liberties law gained momentum in the 70's and made it unreasonably hard for judges to commit patients who relapsed but refused care. Those discharged from state hospitals were often caught in a revolving door, quickly failing in the community and going back to the institution. And they were the lucky ones -- many others ended up living in flop-houses, on the streets or, as Human Rights Watch has reminded us, in prison.

    Reforms like segregating mentally ill prisoners in treatment units would help. Of course, the ultimate solution is keeping psychotic people whose criminal infractions are a product of their sickness out of jails in the first place. This requires a two-part approach. The first entails repairing a terribly fragmented mental health care system. The most important change would be liberating states from the straitjacket of federal regulations surrounding the use of money from Medicaid and Medicare -- programs that account for two-thirds of every public dollar spent on the mentally ill.

    These regulations force many states to make rigid rules dictating what services will and won't be reimbursed, which forces practitioners and administrators to perform bureaucratic gymnastics to circumvent them. ...

    Relaxing regulations would be great progress in helping those mentally ill people who seek treatment. Unfortunately, about half of all untreated people with psychotic illness do not recognize that there is anything wrong with them. Thus the second part of any sensible reform would be finding ways to help patients who have a consistent pattern of rejecting voluntary care, going off medication, spiraling into self-destruction or becoming a danger to others.

    One approach is encouraging their cooperation with "treatment through leverage." This process, not new but underused, involves making social welfare benefits, like subsidized housing and Social Security disability benefits, conditional to participation in treatment.

    A more formal approach is to have civil courts order people to enter community treatment. New York State's Kendra's Law, named in memory of a woman killed in 1999 after being pushed into the path of a subway train by a man with schizophrenia, is a good model. From 1999 to 2002, about 2,400 people spent at least six months in mandatory community treatment under the law.

    And for those who end up committing crimes, some states have developed special mental-health courts that can use the threat of jail to keep minor offenders with psychosis in treatment and on medication at least long enough for the offenders to make informed decisions about treatment. Such efforts may get help from Washington: last Monday the Senate approved a bill authorizing $200 million for states to develop more mental-health courts and other services for nonviolent, mentally ill offenders; it awaits action in the House.

    For many thousands of mentally ill people, America has failed to make good on John F. Kennedy's promise of 40 years ago. Releasing them from the large state institutions was only a first step. Now we must do what we can to free them from the "cold mercy" that comes with criminalizing mental illness.

    The New York Times
    November 1, 2003
    Reprinted with permission of the author. All rights reserved.
    Sally Satel, a psychiatrist and a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, is co-author of the forthcoming "One Nation Under Therapy."

    the German Physics EngineerNo Contact With You)

     SF bay area >
    who the German Physics EngineerNo Contact With You) (There was no person)
    recent data has corroborated the story for many and (universe all wrapped up with only a few)
    To the German Physics Engineer - I Will Address You As You Wish (But I Prefer No Contact With You)
    M6.8 Earthquake in Japan todayI was listening to S...
    TUESDAY, MAYby 12, 2015
    M6.8 Earthquake in Japan today I was listening to Short Wave Radio, Radio KCBS 740 (NABC?)anyway, walking aound Polk Street shopping with my VS-5 Handie-Talkie HAM/SW all band Reviecer & Tranmitter on 6 Meters & teo Meters & 440 Mega Cucles (I am a HOM) As I heard EARTH QUAKE CHINA LADY talking to KABC-740 KCs. And The English speaking american lady was saying "It liske what "just nother day>>???"" Big Earth Quake & Too Sammies? JAPAN is MOST EARTHQUKE PLACE in SOLAR SYSTEM. And CHINA & JAPAN both has Probes (Stallites) FLYING near bewteen MURGUREY & THE SUN & MARS----JUPITER ---Extreme Global Warming BETWEEN WE ----->EATRH IS THIRD FROM THE SUN! COMING OUT WAY!!! HEAT OF A ANGRY GOD----SOL! All smart peoples know SUN WORSHIP is christerinny, jewery too, catholickers also, Greek Mythos, Roman Mythos, SUN is the GOD OFF Freemasonry, (My Whole Family is Scottish Rite) So---->OUR GOD--THE SUN,---> IS MAD at QUEERS & SODOMITES and Hells coming to FETCH all sodomite queers into a Deep Fat Fried Skillit! Snap! Crackle! POP! Hee Heh he heeeHeh M6.8 - 33km SE of Ofunato, Japan VII DYFI? VI ShakeMap GREEN PAGER Tsunami Warning Center Location Data Source US3, PT2 Map showing extent (w,s,e,n) = (137.0324, 33.902, 147.0324, 43.902) 38.902°N 142.032°E depth=38.9 km (24.1 mi) View interactive map Time 2015-05-12 21:12:58 (UTC) 2015-05-12 14:12:58 (UTC-07:00) in your timezone Latest developments • At least 65 people have died in Nepal from Tuesday's magnitude-7.3 earthquake there, the Nepali government said Wednesday. The number of people injured now stands at 1,926, said Nepali Home Ministry spokesman Laxmi Prasad Dhakal. • At least 17 people in India have also died as a result of the tremor, Indian Home Ministry spokesman Kuldeep Dhatwalia told CNN. A woman in Tibet, a region of China, was killed by falling rocks, the Chinese state-run news agency Xinhua reported. • A U.S. military helicopter was declared missing Tuesday while in Nepal to support earthquake relief efforts there, officials said. The UH-1 Huey helicopter had six U.S. Marines and two Nepalis aboard at the time, the Pentagon said. • Aftershocks continued predawn Wednesday in Nepal. A CNN team there felt one such big one at 2 a.m. local time that shook buildings and terrified survivors, many of whom were sleeping outside or ran from their homes.
    PPlay Policitcs With Gremlins-My New Friend!! (emeryville)
    Your ASS RUINED-HIM ER ROIDS! Freak-A-Schizo
    [SATIRE] According to the BRITISH LANCIT MEDICAL JOURNAL, 1854, HEMMOIRDS ARE THE RESULT of CAPITALISM & The ENGLISH ENCLOUSUER ACT. "The Condition of the Working Class in England" by ENGELS, 1854, was CITED by The Lancet.
    ARE YOU READY TO MEET JESUS? The END is Really Nearly Close!
    TEXAS is a BRAIN in & of ITself! Freak-A-Schizo
    Arthur? Gimme a Bloke! Lives in HOUSTON...houston is HOSTS of DEMONS OF HELL. We Borned To Be TEXAS GODDESSES and HOLIER THEN THOUims.
    With THIS THE "Lost Keys Of Solomon & ISIS" his QUIERY bacoem CMPTREhnsabilly.
    HOWEVER, HERE IS THE "EYE OF HORUS" secret truth.
    J.R. BOB Dobbs A TEXAN cornered the Evil Demon (L. Ronald Reagan/L. Ron Hubbard=TWINNERS) And THREW A BIG WAD OF CHEW TOBACCO ( Beech Nut Chewing Tobacco) INTO HIS EYES (Actually SPIT) which IS HOLY HOLY HOLYER than CALFOLICKERS WATER) And HUBBARD DEMON (RONALD REAGAN) confered "SLACK" upon >J>R>Dobbs. From These WONDERS & MIRACLES is ME. The REALLY TRUE "SubGenius" HOBO JAZZ JOHNNY BOXCARRO JESUS SISTER'S LITTLE BROTHER texan ORNED AGAIN constantly & contuinally Ever Since GOD MADE the frog face EYVE" to Get ADAMN all preverted into SADO MASSASSISSIPPI BONDAGE & DISCIPLES Of "BOB" Pray BOB. Prey BOB. Pray BOB. AMEN
    [SATIRE] Hail Mary Jane, Mother of Odd, The LORD is with thee! 450 MEDICAL MARIJUANA I will now TAKE ANOTHER [LEGAL] Hit. Bit, Byte. MARK BERNAY my Nephew--I AM Joanna d.Arc, (B) Sigmund Freud's Illigetimate AUGHTER.
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    So I Have a Little Fun Spoofing the Ayatollah of Aptos (It Was Satire- You are paranoid)
    Posted by San Francisco , No comment

    5.Other specifications available
    So I Have a Little Fun Spoofing the Ayatollah of Aptos (That Doesn't Make Me a Mental Case)--------------------------->http://tijuana-hobo.blogspot.com/ HERE'S A MENTAL CASE!!!!------------------------->http://tijuana-hobo.blogspot.com/Lighten up. I was spoofing too! I meant it in a Friendly Way, You & I and the Professor are TARGETS of Robots that Automatically Post Nasty Remarks, You see I posted several Articles from Tech/Geek web pages about that subject. I am so old I graduated EE Tech School by doing Higher Math with Slide Rule. My cousin was a Programmer with Steve Jobs and a Phone Hacker. I am Legally Blind, [Cataracts & Macular Degeneration] & was Living in Mexico until 2007. I Ran a Short Wave Communications Station for German Expatriates in Rosarito Beach , Baja Cal. MX & lived in Col. Aleman, Calle Mar Negro, TJ, MX. where I posted in Protest to Oppressive Bastard Police in San Diego, as Tijuana Hobo, or TJhobo. I received DEATH THREATS for San Diego Police , I did play GUITAR across from Craigs Old Offices on 9th. Avenue & met Craig, I still enjoy the Freedom of a Real Progressive Open Forum. THIS IS AMERICAN First Amendment at its BEST! ......However, I Have Become OBSESSED with the damn thing, as YOU HAVE! I will seriously entertain a 12 Step Program for We Old Farts that are so LOATHED by these Young Unsustainable Ill Educated Fools.I am of course, Out in Public Every Day, as a Public Entertainer, so Obviously these Idiots are incapable to coming to Personally Tell Me why I am a FRAUD, LIAR or such!!! Haw Haw Haw! jazzhoboThis is the kind of Comments I get if I reveal my Email, Plus my PayPal was hacked in May, just got it restored this week! So there are DANGERIOUS PEOPLE lurking on Politics , Craigs list.==============================================
    Boy, Yew Are A SHORE-NUFF Crawsey Mentel in the CABEZA type OBSCESSIVE COMPULSIVE crazy! Har Dey Hr Har Har!!!!
    =============================================== Here Comes Jibo!http://youtu.be/3N1Q8oFpX1Y by Cynthia Breazeal Posted on July 21, 2014July 22, 2014 Cynthia BreazealAbout 15 years ago, I set out to create a very different kind of technology at MIT. I embarked on this quest with the belief that technology can support a far more personally meaningful human

    Monday, June 22, 2015

    GOD = G+OOD =D.O.G/G.O.D+ H.O.B.O. =Holy Old Blessed Oracle
    You Anti Semites will soon EAT YOUR OWN SHIT & DRINK YOUR OWN PISS!


    But Rabshakeh said, Hath my master sent me to thy master and to thee to speak these words? hath he not sent me to the men that sit upon the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?

    Isaiah 36:12

    Viewing the King James Version. Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Isaiah 36:12.

    Homeless activists are evil Jeff Webb & the Reality of San Francisco's Terroist War against Homeless People.
    Surveillance Camera Police Snitch Ku Klux Klan in New Internet Culture.

    The Minna Street Recycler
    i kinda thought i had seen it all. and i figured if i hadn't seen it all then i had seen pretty damn close to it all. but i guess the old dirty alley still has a surprise or two left in her.
    it was a pleasant wednesday afternoon. hearing some noise outside i poked out my head to see what was up. hmmm. a naked guy. i wonder where this is going?
    what else is there to say about a guy high on smack who is being watched while he is naked and masturbating, lying on minna street between 5th and 6th, at 4:30 on a wednesday afternoon, with a wine bottle shoved up his ass, and with the needles in his hand which he had just "cleaned" using the puddle on the street?

    HATE HATE HATE. The 21St. Century Yuppies & Reagan Cultists

    Big Brother has arrived
    Jeff Weber [sic] has found a good way of getting rid of the crack dealers from the street he lives on, which is near Market Street in San Francisco. Instead of calling the police, he displays the dealers of Stevenson Alley for the whole world to see. On 16 July [2001], the 37-year-old messenger installed a cheap webcam in the window of his room in the Seneca Hotel, which has been his modest home for the last six years. Gunshots, knife fights, dealers with furtive gestures and drug-using bums lighting their pipes: street scenes such as these appear in "real time" on his free web site.
    "I want to shame the Mayor and the San Francisco Police, and get them to clean up the neighborhood," explains well-named Jeff Webb, during a conversation that was interrupted several times by the sound of police sirens. When the residents of the neighborhood called the police to complain about the dealers, he affirms, the police said that they were overwhelmed and that, by the time they arrived on the scene, the criminals would have already left. "With the webcam, the police can't say they didn't see anything," Webb says.
    This bizarre initiative comes at a time when the video surveillance of public places by the authorities is beginning to alarm the American public. When private cameras are utilized on a public street, "they are always widely known about," reports Jeff Fryrear, director of the National Crime Prevention Institute in Louisville, Kentucky. The personal cameras, which exist in uncounted numbers, are often installed in residential neighborhoods in partnership with law enforcement.

    The schools, too. In San Francisco, the provocative webcam receives a lot of praise: following an article about him in The San Francisco Examiner, Jeff Webb says he received dozens of encouraging e-mails. "It's brilliant," says one of these messages. "I have also had enough of the homeless problem in San Francisco, but I've never found a way of attacking the subject in a active fashion." Other residents and a school have said that they will install webcams of their own to surveill their respective neighborhoods. "I have recently seen a dealer point the camera out and ask his clients to go several streets down," Jeff Webb affirms.

    Allergic to video surveiilance in all of its forms, the anarcho-situationist collective Surveillance Camera Players (SCP) have many reasons for protesting directly in front of webcams. If a number of citizens have already filmed crime scenes taking place right in front of their eyes (the beating of Rodney King in 1991 is the most famous example), Jeff Webb's gadget raises several new questions. "In principle, a webcam pointing at the street threatens the privacy of those who walk by it," says Dave, also known as "Redmist," the founder of the SCP [sic] and its representative [sic] in San Francisco. "But, in practice, I don't see how, because Mr. Webb has tried to publicize the fact that his webcam is pointing at the street. On the other hand, if it wasn't known to the public, it would constitute a threat to privacy. People wouldn't know that they were being observed."

    Legal blurriness. In the legal point of view, blurriness reigns. According to the Privacy Foundation in Washington, American laws concerning the audio recording of private conversations are relatively clear, but those concerning video recording of public places, webcams or not, are quasi-nonexistent. For Redmist, it would be more ethical and effective if one "took photographs of crimes as they were being committed, rather than filming the entire street all the time."

    The San Francisco Police have their own doubts about the effectiveness of the web cam of Stevenson Alley. Officer Anna Morales told The San Francisco Examiner that the camera can't distinguish details. Faces, in particular. Where Jeff Webb sees a man who is crying and searching the sidewalk for crumbs of crack, a novice might see a shaking silhouette. The same can be said for his collection of Best Images. "The people who smoke crack hold the pipe the pipe in a certain fashion that is immediately recognizable," Webb maintains.
    The idea of webcams all over the United States bothers Bill Brown, co-founder of the Surveillance Camera Players. "When webcams use face recognition software, they will capture faces very clearly," says the guerilla of anti-videosurveillance. For him, clandestine webcams display crime as if it were an entertainment, to the detriment of the criminals and their victims. They banalise the use of surveillance cameras and incite voyeurism.

    [Written in French by Emmanuelle Richard and published in the 25-26 August 2001 issue of Liberation. Translated into English by Bill Brown. Note that it appears that Jeff Webb's motives have been misunderstood.]
    Contact the Surveillance Camera Punks
    By e-mail SCP
    By snail mail: SCP c/o NOT BORED! POB 1115, Stuyvesant Station, New York City 10009-9998
    Return to
    Surveillance Camera Police Snitch Ku Klux Klan in New Internet Culture.
    It's time for Americans to unapologetically resist the demands of this lobby, and to counter the lies upon which it is built-the foremost being that certain people are inherently or 'born' homosexual and that this is a civil rights issue.[70]
    do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers